bolinko Bolinko! Your very own cloud bookmark and sharing service

BOLINKO ADD + << Get the Bolinko ADD Button

Drag this button onto your Bookmarks Toolbar - this is your Bolinko ADD button and its used for everything from saving to sending links.
This should be a very simple process, just drag it up and click it!

However, if you get stuck or your toolbar is missing, read on...

Your browser needs to have its "Bookmark Toolbar" also known as "Favorties Bar" visible. Sometimes its off by default. Go switch it on!

For Google Chrome:

For FireFox:

For Internet Explorer 9:

IE8 - Press Alt key , go to view>>toolbars>> then tick Favorites Bar to switch it on.
IE7 - Press Alt key , go to view>>toolbars>>Select Links tick on.
Safari on the Mac - it is enabled by default.

And, you will need javascript and cookies enabled. See your browser options for that.


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